EXO 8 FollowFollowFollow EXO 8 Area Monitor As a trusted distributor of Blackline Safety, we are proud to introduce the innovative EXO 8 Area Gas Detection system. It is the world’s only direct-to-cloud connected portable area monitor. The EXO 8 is engineered to offer...
Loner Mobile with Loner Duo FollowFollowFollow Loner Mobile with Loner Duo Blackline’s Loner Mobile lone worker app turns an iPhone®, Android™ or Blackberry® into a simple and non-intrusive safety monitoring platform. Loner Mobile leverages Blackline’s Loner Duo and...
G6 Single Gas FollowFollowFollow G6 Single Gas Transforming single-gas detection with connectivity! The G6 Single Gas from Blackline Safety will be the new standard for single-gas detection harnessing the proven dependability and connectivity of their portfolio of...
G7 c/x FollowFollowFollow G7c/x Gone are the days of traditional gas detectors that functioned like smoke alarms, notifying only the wearer and those in earshot of a dangerous environment. Meet G7c/x — the world’s first 3G-connected gas detector with integrated lone...
G7 EXO Area Monitor As of September 24, 2024 – the G7 EXO has been replaced with the EXO 8. Models of the G7 EXO will only be available until supplies last. Please contact your Electrogas Sales Representative with any questions or concerns. FollowFollowFollow G7...
G7 Dock FollowFollowFollow G7 Dock THE SIMPLE WAY TO ENSURE GAS DETECTION COMPLIANCE The Blackline Safety G7 Dock is the simple solution to calibrating, bump testing and charging G7 devices. One of the most affordable and compact docking stations available, G7 Dock...