Customer Support

Understanding your Safety Equipment


The sales team at Electrogas Monitors have complied a list of frequently asked questions and provided the answers (with supporting documents) to help you better educate your staff on our products and services.

Q. Why is it necessary to bump test your monitor prior to each use?

A. Before starting work that involves exposure to an atmosphere that may contain a flammable or explosive gas, the atmosphere should be tested with a combustible gas meter. It is extremely important that the meter provides accurate measurements and is fully functional.

OH&S Documentation

Q. How do I perform a bump test without a docking station?

A. Manual bump tests can be performed when a docking station is not available. This is ensure your compliance with OH&S Regulations.

Manual Bump Test Instructions

Q. Is there a way to track my daily bump tests in case I get approached by safety personnel or my supervisor?

A. Most of the gas detection equipment available at Electrogas have data logging capabilities. Meaning, that by simply downloading the log, you can prove that your unit has been bump tested. Electrogas has created two manual ways to track your daily bumps tests, which don’t require any computer or software. We have printed log books that can be picked up at our offices. Please contact us if you required some of those log books. Conversely, we offer a downloadable/printable solution to help keep records of any tests performed:

Bump Test Recording

Q. How do I perform a bump test with the BW MicroDock II

A. Performing a bump test or calibration with the BW MicroDock II is quite simple. Check out our online training videos or download our

MicroDock II Instructions

Q. Who is the Electrogas Monitors representative for my area?

A. Electrogas is represented throughout Western Canada. You can find direct access to your sales representative by visiting our contact page.

Q. Why does my monitor go off, even when I know there are no gases present?

A. There are a number of factors that can lead to your monitor moving off zero.

1. A drastic or sudden changes in temperature or pressure. The technology of the sensors within your personal gas detector may cause some fluctuation when this occurs.

2. Sensor poisoning or exposure to cross-reference materials.

Common Sources of Poisoning

Thankfully, if your monitor does move off zero due to any one of these factors, you can perform a fresh air zero to reset the sensors.

Fresh Air Zero GasAlert MicroClipXT

Fresh Air Zero GasAlert Quattro

Q. My monitor is calibrated to methane, is that my only option? Is it the best option?

A. The simple answer is No, methane is not the only option for calibration of your gas detection equipment. However, it is the most common combustible found in our work places.

An article released by BW Technologies, found HERE , discusses the best practices when selecting a calibration gas mixture.

Q. My Dräger monitor is giving me a numbered error code, what does that code mean?

Q. What is the best recommended practice for cleaning my gas monitor?

A. The care and maintenance of your gas detection monitor are very important. The proper procedure should be followed in order to ensure that any products or materials being used to clean the monitor are not going to affect the performance of the sensors.

Electrogas does sell a product called Staticide. It is the same product our techs use to get your monitor looking like new. It is approved for use around electronics and the technology found within the sensors. Please note, that this product should only be used to clean casings or covers – not the electronic components of any of your gas detection equipment. 

Materials Which Negatively Affect Sensor Performance

Proper Cleaning Procedure by Honeywell

Q. Why does my O2 sensor fail even though I haven't used my monitor?

A. The oxygen sensors found in most gas detectors are lead based sensors. This type of sensor technology continuously oxidizes even if the detector is not turned on. Once the lead contained in the sensor is no longer present – the sensor will fail. This usually happens around the 2-year mark.

Contact Us

Red Deer: #1 - 7961 49th Ave

Calgary: #18 - 6025 12th Street SE

Sherwood Park: #150 - 241 Portage Close

Abbotsford: Unit A160 – 2114 Carpenter Street