Blackline Safety

Rental Equipment & Services

The partnership between Electrogas and Blackline Safety is pleased to offer a flexible and on-demand rental program – to keep crews safe and within budget. Blackline Safety provides rental options for their complete portfolio of connected personal gas detectors, area monitors, lone worker wearables, and accessories, including Blackline Live software.

Projects Change. Timelines Changes. Your Commitment to Safety Shouldn’t.

Through our combined comprehensive knowledge of the rental equipment industry – the team of Electrogas and Blackline Safety understand that projects are unpredictable. Blackline’s rental program provides the flexibility required to adjust your safety equipment plan on the fly – saving costs and saving lives.

  • Daily, weekly and monthly rental options are available
  • Cancel without penalty
  • Flexible, on-demand equipment (adjust inventory as projects need change)
  • Same-day shipping or walk-in pickup is available

Blackline Safety’s technology is used across more than a dozen industries to protect their most valuable asset – their people.

Blackline Safety - Rental Program - Portfolio of Products
Blackline Safety Logo

Save Costs and Lives.

Budget control is critical to determine a project’s success. We understand the importance of controlling costs and have built our gas detection rental program with that top of mind.

  • Instant access to industry-leading connected safety devices and
  • With GPS location, misplaced devices can be easily located,
    greatly minimizing replacement costs or downtime.
  • Pay for only the time and devices you need.
  • Minimal maintenance means more time-on-tool.
  • Blackline delivers a 5% surplus on the number of devices rented
    to ensure there is no downtime if devices need to be serviced or
    are temporarily misplaced.
  • Device rentals include online software with built-in reports for full site visibility (including current compliance status) without added IT or set-up costs.
G6 Single Gas - Gas Detection - Blackline Safety - Electrogas

G6 Single Gas

G6 Single gas offers faster response time through accurate incident and worker location. Available in H2S, CO, O2 and SO2.

G7 Multigas Detector - Blackline Safety

G7 c/x

G7 c/x offers gas monitoring and lone worker tracking. Two-way voice and messaging capabilities with zero network range limits.

G7 EXO - Area Gas Detection - Blackline Safety - Electrogas Monitors Ltd.


G7 EXO solves the challenges in finding continuous toxic and combustible gas monitoring for sites, facilities and fence lines.

Accessory Products

G7 Wearables

  • G7 Bridge (for G7x)
  • Location beacon
  • G7 Dock
  • G7 PowerPack
  • Demand Flow Regulator
  • Charge panel, 5 unit and 20 unit options

G7 EXO Area Monitor

  • Universal mount
  • Rail mount
  • Solar panel
  • Replacement battery
  • Survey tripod
  • Standoff (low) tripod
  • Fast charger
  • Output cable

Service Options

  • Blackline in-house 24/7 live safety monitoring and emergency response management services
  • Self-monitoring, included in the cost of rental
  • Push-to-talk (included in G7c and G7 EXO rental price)